Well I thought I'd give a quick update tonight! It's been HOT here in Chicagoland the last few days but that hasn't stopped the QQ workshop!

I listed the lovely lavender sachets in my Etsy and ArtFire stores. Honestly, filling those sachets was heavenly. I have one in every drawer in the bedroom! There are literally millions of sachets on Etsy so hopefully my little flowers will give me the edge... and the fact that I fill my sachets with 1/2 cup of pure lavender buds. I was surprised to see that some only have 1/4 cup or add other things into the filling!

I also had fun making maple leaves yesterday and my craft table is taken over by pretty fall colors. Red, orange, gold!
This evening Q has completely taken over the downstairs in our little home making bottle cap magnets out of his extensive collection of bottle caps. I think my crafting is starting to wear off on him! He has always been very creative though so I can't take all the credit :)

Tomorrow I leave for an overnight retreat for work then we are going on vacation to Michigan for the weekend so I hope everyone has a good next few days and I'll probably catch you on the flip side!!


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